Six LDS Writers and A Frog

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Today is the deadline for submitting Whitney Award ballots. Since I still have a book to finish before I'll be ready to vote, this is going to be a tiny blog, because by gum, I'm going to FINISH THAT BOOK. After getting this far, no way am I going to miss finishing book #35--I want to be able to vote for Best Novel of the Year!

Today's micro-blog is a poll for blog readers (and I'd love it if our lurkers popped up to comment too--it would be fun to get a broad perspective). Will you be voting (or have you already voted) in the 2010 Whitney Awards? If so, how many categories did you vote in? And whether or not you're an Academy voter, did you read any 2010 finalists (here's the list) that really impressed you? Or that were books you might not have picked up otherwise but that you ended up loving? Or that introduced you to authors you hadn't tried before? I'd love to hear any and all thoughts our blog readers have about the Whitney Awards.


At 4/20/2011 11:48 AM, Blogger Melanie Goldmund said...

Of all the finalists, I've read three; Mr Monster, The Way of Kings, and Paranormalcy. I think I nominated Paranormalcy; I can't remember if I did so for Mr Monster. Sadly, I did not get to read The Way of Kings until after New Year's Day, although I could have nominated it on the strength of Brandon Sanderson's writing alone. All three of these books really impressed me, especially Paranormalcy because I absolutely hate paranormal romances and yet this one was fresh and funny and different enough that I didn't want to throw the book against the wall, and myself after it.

But dang, I want to be Brandon Sanderson when I grow up.

At 4/20/2011 1:07 PM, Blogger Jon Spell said...

I've read 2 (in the Mystery section) and I have 2 on my shelf to read (Way of Kings and Matched)

I got Matched for my wife and I forced her to read it! (I'm trying to riff on the book without having read it. Did it work?)

Also, I have this thought: I wish we could attend again, but things are just not going to work out. I'll cheer from you from home!

And I'll reiterate a thought from the past: you should have stickers for the books. 2010 Whitney award winner! Raise awareness of the awards and the books that get it.

At 4/20/2011 3:52 PM, Blogger Melanie Jacobson said...

I finished two categories: mystery and romance. I read half of most of the other categories. I didn't attempt all of them because there's one category I don't like and reading should feel like a punishment. Also, I almost finished speculative fiction but then decided I didn't think I wanted to take on Dan Wells due to me being a wimp. I finished Wolves, Boys and Other Things That Might Kill Me last night and loved it. Based on the other Melanie's comment, I may still get Paranormalcy anyway, even though I'm not a big fan of paranormal YA either. And I kind of love anything Janette Rallison writes.

At 4/20/2011 4:13 PM, Anonymous Malibu said...

I read all 35 so I could vote for book of the year. Even the category I don't care for (I'm looking at you, Historical Fiction!) But I was really surprised by both Trespass and Oh Say Can You See- I enjoyed them way more than I expected to! I may have to go back and read the other books in the series.

The toughest category to call, for me, was general YA. I really felt like every single book in that category deserves accolades.

At 4/21/2011 11:15 AM, Blogger Michael Knudsen said...

My faves were Alma The Younger, Cold as Ice, and in speculative, Pathfinder was the only one I read, but I'm a huge OSC fan!

At 4/21/2011 12:05 PM, Blogger Stephanie Black said...

Thanks for the comments. It's fun to hear about Whitney reading experiences.

Melanie G, Brandon Sanderson is definitely awesome! He amazes me.

Jon, I agree it would be great to get Whitney stickers on books. Some authors have done it on their own; maybe as the Whitneys continue to grow and get more funding, they'll be able to provide them to all winners someday.

Malibu, I agreed about YA General--WOW, what a strong category!

Melanie J., I hear you about reading shouldn't be a punishment :) I confess I did struggle at times with the Whitney reading.

Michael, thanks for the mention!

At 4/21/2011 12:17 PM, Anonymous Emily M. said...

Wolves, Boys, and Other Things That Might Kill Me. Loved it. I loved the voice, I loved the nuanced, layered story, I loved the romance. I had others I enjoyed too, but this was my favorite.

At 4/21/2011 2:41 PM, Blogger Charlie Moore said...

Interesting comments. I didn't read too many of these books. Didn't have the time and some simply don't peek my interest due to their genre. I enjoyed Band of Sisters and Crossfire. Also, Cold as Ice, although I figured out the villian early, Stephanie. Don't let that happen in your next thriller. I don't see a mention of the Gale Sears book in above comments. I haven't read it yet (but, plan to). I do believe this will be a front runner for a Whitney (maybe 2.)

At 4/21/2011 2:48 PM, Blogger Stephanie Black said...

:) I'll try to fool you next time, Charlie.

Gale's book is excellent.

At 4/21/2011 3:47 PM, Blogger Stephanie Black said...

Emily M., I agree that Wolves, Boys was extremely well written. That category was awesome.


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