Six LDS Writers and A Frog

Monday, March 14, 2011

Dude, I'm Getting a Kindle (For Free!)

So after my post last weekend (was it last weekend? I can't remember whether or not I posted. You may not know this about me, but I'm not always so good about the posting), I figured it was time to step into the future.

I'm buying a Kindle!

Well, sort of buying one. Not so much buying as getting for free.

How, you ask?

Well, one of the major ways is through Swagbucks. I've mentioned Swagbucks in a previous post, and it is a site I use on a daily basis. Last year I earned enough points to get more than $150 in Amazon gift cards, which I saved up. There are other, more dedicated people than me who spend way more time on the site than I do and thus earn way more than I do - I typically only answer the daily poll in the morning and then use it as a search engine the rest of the day. I probably earn swagbucks twice a day from searching. It's something I'd be doing anyway (going to websites) so it just makes it a little easier, and it gives me some cash.

I earned the rest of the Amazon gift cards from doing surveys. There are a lot of scammy type survey sites out there, and it's taken me a while to winnow it down to the sites that are really good and won't waste your time and actually pay out. I was going to list them all for you, but as I'm now really tired (nearly midnight) instead of looking them all up I'll list them another day (if anyone's interested). But I cashed in points that I'd earned and got another $50 in gift cards.

So I'm getting my Kindle for free, and already have my first few books picked out that I'm going to download with my extra money. I fear this may become a highly expensive habit as it's so easy to justify only spending $0.99 or $2.99 on a book, which means I'll have to keep taking those surveys and earning swagbucks so that I can get my books for free too (or, more likely, just help mitigate the costs of what I'll probably be spending).

Once it arrives and I figure it out, I will let everyone know what I think of it!

For those that haven't heard, there are rumors that by November 2011 the Kindle will probably be free (I remember when it first came out and was like $500 or something - now it's down to $139) or close to free. The general guess is that you'll have to buy a certain number of books or sign up for some kind of program (like when you get a free cell phone by signing up for cell service), but you may just have to hold off a few more months so that you can get it for even less money.

Does anyone else have an e-reader? What do you think of it? If you don't have one, are you interested in getting one?


At 3/14/2011 10:36 AM, Blogger Jennifer said...

I got a Kindle last month and love it. I have started reading, a lot, again. It goes everywhere with me. Now I am going to have to check out the survey sites you mentioned (an promise to list) so I can earn points and get more books.

At 3/14/2011 12:41 PM, Blogger Stephanie Black said...

That's so cool that you're getting a Kindle free! You'll love it. I love the convenience of just tucking it in my purse and taking it with me. Long line? No problem! I can pull out my Kindle and read.

At 3/14/2011 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've had a nook for almost a year now and I love it!! I have over 1000 books already loaded and I can't stop reading!! (Some sites do over free books weekly, so check them out!)

At 3/14/2011 5:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

**offer** (sorry for the typo!)

At 3/14/2011 8:54 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would love to learn about the survey sites you use!

At 3/14/2011 8:55 PM, Blogger Mikelene said...

Please, please tell us about earning bucks for answering surveys!

At 3/15/2011 5:13 AM, Blogger Lorrie said...

I enjoy my kindle very much. I dont have to prop it open and It fits in my purse since I am always waiting on kids. Wish the church magazines were available but maybe with time. Thank you to you all for making your works available to e-readers.

At 3/15/2011 11:51 AM, Blogger Julie Coulter Bellon said...

I got my Kindle a few weeks ago and I love it! It's so convenient and easy and I've actually gotten more reading done since I got my Kindle. Definitely a two thumbs up.


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