Goodwill For All!
by Kerry Blair

It's Friday? Again? Already?
I've lost the last two weeks to another life -- a wonderful life wherein a marvelously quirky character wins the lottery and sets out to give away millions. Have no fear, this hilarious new novel is coming soon to a bookstore near you. At least it will be if I meet my deadline (Monday) so the author can meet hers at the end of the month. Sadly, I'm not only behind, but I still have to go back and revist the chapters I edited last night . . . apparently in my sleep.
Fortunately, you don't need me. There are blogs everywhere! I recently came upon one I particularly love. I met its author, Laura Lofgreen, at a speaking engagement in Mesa -- a fun event that got me mentioned (albeit in passing) in the same blog as Barbara Kingsolver. (!) Laura is the author of a soon-to-be-released YA novel, Colors of the Sea and she has a thing for mermaids. But that's not why I like her. At least it's not the only reason I like her. Laura is one of my new best friends because she genuinely shares my affinity for junk.
You've heard the expression "One man's trash is another man's treasure". Truer words were never penned. (No, not even by Mormon. Everything he carved in stone was as true, certainly, but not all that much truer.) I love other men's trash! A swap meet is to me what Disneyland is to children. All my family (save one -- hurray for Scott!) and most of my friends regard a foray into a thrift store in the same light as a trip to the dump. (I'd probably like the dump, too, but our local landfill won't let you take anything from it, even if all they plan to do is bury great stuff alive. So strange.)
I could go on about my secondhand fixation all day, but I have a fictional world to get back to. One recent example, then. For years I have lusted after a room-sized, hand-tied, Victorian-style wool rug in shades of beige, coral, and cream. Even at 70% off, they tend to be about a thousand dollars out of my price range. Two weeks ago, I dragged my daughter down to the local Goodwill under the guise of making a donation. As long as we were already there, I convinced her it wouldn't hurt to look around for "just a minute" or two. (Or twenty.) At the back of the store, under a matted Christmas tree, one-third of a room divider, and two cartons of old utensils, tools, and anything else they didn't know where else to put, I spied the tufted end of a rolled-up carpet. While it would have been easier to extract a 300-lb man from a mining disaster, I managed to drag it out into the daylight once again. Then I fainted. Well, almost. For $25 -- less the 20% they give you when you make a donation -- I now have in my living room an 8'x10' hand-tied 100% wool rug. Not only is it in perfect condition, it's . . . get ready for it . . . beige, coral, and cream.
Write your own moral to the story.
For more -- and even more fun -- testimonials to the joy of "trash-collecting," you just have to visit Laura's blog: My Dear Trash. Tell her I sent you, please. I want to prove that what I lack in star power I make up in appreciation and admiration. (I'll bet Barbara Kingsolver never sent anybody her way.)

Oh my dear Kerry- we are kindred spirits. Perhaps when I next make a foray to NM to visit my parents, I should chasse on over and we can take our time trolling the Goodwill together.
I love exploring second-hand stores and flea markets. I've found book treasures galore, not to mention a variety of fun stuff.
Congrats on finding the wool rug of your dreams! ;)Way cool!
Congratulations! Nothing's better than finding the wool rug of your dreams. =]
Glad to hear you're writing! I can hardly wait to read it!
She's writing a book? No. Our Kerry Blair? The same one who foreswore never to write another flipping *&%$! novel is making a comeback? Pitching another ficticious curve ball? Slicing and dicing in the publishing fast lane? Our Kerry? The same one who spends Christmas vacation in her local New Mexican graveyard? Thinks Halloween is a religious holiday? Owns a broom and knows how to use it? Levitates on a wool rug in front of crypts? Has 13 fingers and nine black cats? Adds a tablespoon of powdered eye of gnewt to her tacos and burritos? Day dreams of buying out Deseret Industries? That Kerry Blair?
I never thought I'd see the day. But then I never thought I'd read Ghost of a Chance and live to tell about it.
I want more details. Now! Everything. Or I'll call your secret direct line and haunt you for an advanced reader's copy (I don't use the little abbreviation that would mark me part of the in-author crowd. ARC is so post deluvial).
Would you tell us what's cookin' Ms Blair. In detail. Pretty please?
PS: I know your just editing something, but for a moment there I actually thought in my pea brain, that you were pulling Michael Jordan. You were, oh, so much better than Jordan. And much cuter.
I thought you were writing, too, and I got all excited until I realized you were only editing. Now I'm trying not to be too disappointed.
So glad you found the rug of your dreams! What's the moral of the story? All things come to him who waits? :-)
To her who waits. Melanie. To HER. Kerry's been waiting for like a million years to write her novel. To her who waits. It will come Kerry. Just keep waiting. It will come.
Kerry has written several excellent novels and I've no doubt she could write another even better one if she weren't so busy helping everyone else.
I'm afriad Kerry has grown up and let the childishness of writing novels to the rest of us. Haven't you Kerry? You darn grown up. I'm reporting you to tinker bell.
Nobody fixes writing like Kerry. She found the small parts inside my drivel, polished and decorated it until it glittered like stars.
Thank you so much. I have no idea how many authors you've dug out of editorial landfills and placed on the shelf to shine, but I'm glad I'm one of them.
I must say, these comments took an unexpected turn, thanks largley to my favorite anonymous pot-stirrer.
Sorry to have confused you, Janette. The ability to communicate clearly is something I have yet to master.
Sandra & Cheri: Come on over! We'd have the best time you can imagine in Jerome and the Verde Valley!
Jennie & Rachel: Thanks for the very kind words. Rachel, the sparkle is all yours; you're amazing. Jennie, thanks for always being there to try to save me from myself. I love you, you know.
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