Six LDS Writers and A Frog

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wake Me Up Before You Go Go

by Julie Coulter Bellon

I’m sitting here in my pajamas, listening to some 80’s music and trying to work through my to-do list. You see, this weekend is the StoryMaker’s Writer’s Conference, my son’s Eagle Project, my daughter’s YCL campout, and another son’s temple trip. I’ve got a lot to do before tomorrow morning rolls around.

I stayed up late last night stuffing the last of the 818 pages of evaluations for the First Chapter contest into manila envelopes. Today I’ve been putting the finishing touches on my power point presentation for the class I’m teaching, “Self-Editing and Revision: Read it and Weep—Wreaking Red-Inked Carnage on Your Manuscript.” Doesn’t that sound like a fun class? Any class with “carnage” in its title is automatically fun isn’t it? There are two other great classes being offered in the same time slot, so I hope I have a few people in mine. Or I guess I could sit alone in the classroom and admire my power point. For a first time effort, I think it’s pretty good! (I know that it’s shocking I’ve never done a power point before, but I’m a teacher and I’m old school I guess. Chalkboards/whiteboards are my comfort zone.)

Saturday is also Arbor Day, so that’s why my son’s Eagle Project was scheduled for that specific day because he’s planning out where 53 trees are going to go for a new city park. There’s a lot of details that go into that including where each type of tree should go, what materials are needed (rakes, shovels etc.), what refreshments there should be, and inviting/hoping people come to help because it’s a big project for any one person to do. So far I’m his taxi, and maybe his secretary trying to keep a little organization to his to- do list. I’m also praying the rain stays away for the first part of the morning. Planting trees in the rain doesn’t sound very fun.

Sadly, with a very long personal to-do list and an equally long kid to-do list, I’m behind in just about everything. However, I know that come Sunday morning, I’m going to be happy that the Eagle project is finally over and happy that my class is over, but sad that the conference is over. I always have so much fun getting to see old friends and meeting new friends. I hope if you’re going, you will come up and introduce yourself to me. And if I look a little frazzled, or start singing “Wake Me Up Before You Go Go,” under my breath, please cut me a little slack. Snap me out of it. Or, sing along with me. Weirdness loves company.

I guess I better go get dressed. I’ve got a lot of errands to do that require me to get out of the car. Wish me luck!


At 4/23/2009 1:06 PM, Anonymous Chas Hathaway said...

Cool! What day, time, and location is the StoryMaker’s Writer’s Conference? Sounds really cool!

- Chas

At 4/23/2009 1:11 PM, Blogger Julie Coulter Bellon said...

Chas you can read all about it at

It IS cool!

At 4/23/2009 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Bellon this has nothing to do with your blog but I wanted to tell you that I'm sad your book All's Fair wasn't a Whitney Finalist. It was so good!

At 4/23/2009 6:08 PM, Blogger Jon Spell said...

Good luck! Tell your son he needs to make at least one joke about the infant-trees. =)

And allow me to quote you a later George Michael song... (no, not THAT one!)

"You gotta have faith!"

At 4/23/2009 8:36 PM, Blogger Julie Coulter Bellon said...

Anon, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it. You made my day!

Jon, you make me laugh. I'll mention that to my son and I love "Faith!"

Thanks for the comments!

At 4/24/2009 2:09 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are you kidding Julie? No Whitney Gala for me. The Jazz won Thursday and play at home in game four Saturday night. So about the time you're signing autographs for All's Fair, I'll be sitting back watching D-Will feed Boozer with another give and go slam dunk over the flailing arms of Pau Casol.

Enjoy the roasted lamb. Its pizza and peanuts for me.

Go Jazz!

At 4/24/2009 2:24 AM, Blogger Julie Coulter Bellon said...

Can you believe Game 3? Wow! We pulled it out in the clutch! I won't be at the Whitney Gala either, anon, so save me a piece of pizza!


At 4/25/2009 10:13 PM, Blogger Cluttered Brain said...

I went to your class with Carnage in the title. I think you are being alittle too hard on yourself. It was a GREAT class!! I learned so much. Everyone at LDS storymakers has helped me in one way or another. Very good motivation for me. I even signed up for Author's Incognito!
Thanks so much for all you did at LDS Storymaker's! I'm going again next year!


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